
In the WaterstofNHN community you will find more information about the ongoing projects in North Holland North and all parties involved. Join, start a conversation and discover new opportunities and initiatives for hydrogen.


Collaborate on initiatives

A climate-neutral Netherlands, that is the goal for 2050. By working together, we discover new opportunities and initiatives to switch to sustainable energy and raw materials. Hydrogen plays an important role in this. Noord-Holland Noord has the experience, knowledge and infrastructure to make this transition.

Many projects have already been set up in the region and the hydrogen economy is developing rapidly. For example, the first hydrogen filling station in the region has been put into use, we generate hydrogen in a wind turbine and part of the waste will soon be collected by hydrogen trucks. All these projects come together in the WaterstofNHN platform. Because only together can we ensure that the climate objectives are achieved and create an innovative, strong and ambitious cooperation climate in North Holland North.


All hydrogen projects in NHN in one handy overview

Current events

Always up to date with the latest progress

Exclusive events

Exclusive hydrogen meetings and knowledge sessions


Get in touch with other relevant parties


Working together on climate goals

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Community platform

Interactive map

In the WaterstofNHN community you can learn more about the different projects. All projects are visually displayed on the interactive map. On the corresponding project pages you will find all available information about the project and the parties involved. Talk to each other, ask questions and discover new opportunities and initiatives for hydrogen. 

Search for relevant participants and parties, easily displayed per sector and activity. On the community notice board you will find an overview of supply and demand of the participating parties. Are you looking for initiatives to join or a solution to your issue or challenge? Here you will find everything in one handy overview. The WaterstofNHN community is the place to talk to each other, ask questions and discover and accelerate opportunities and initiatives in the North Holland North region!

"By exchanging knowledge and creating connections between the right parties, we can work together to accelerate the transition to a hydrogen economy"


An overview of all current projects

Here you will find an overview of all hydrogen projects in NHN that are being worked on. Do you want to know more about the projects, are you working on a project yourself or are you committed to hydrogen in the region in another way? Then sign up for the WaterstofNHN community.


Energy Greenery Alkmaar (EGA)

ENERGY GREENERY ALKMAAR - Under this name, two Alkmaar companies are building an advanced factory that will produce sustainable methanol and high-quality carbon from organic ...

green hydrogenProduction
The Helder

Statkraft electrolyser

STATKRAFT ELECTROLYSER - Statkraft's first electrolyser in the Netherlands will be located on the East Bank and will convert generated renewable electricity into green hydrogen.

The Helder

NS H2V Ports

NS H2V PORTS - In North Sea Hydrogen Valley Ports (NS H2V Ports), the ports of Brest, Esbjerg, Bremen and Den Helder are working together on four concrete hydrogen roadmaps.



REFORMERS - A comprehensive international programme aimed at the local production and consumption of renewable energy by and for industrial estates and local residents.

North Holland North
Bunkerhaven cryogenic hydrogen

Small-scale hydrogen liquefaction plant

SMALL SCALE HYDROGEN liquefaction plant - This project focuses on the development of an innovative hydrogen liquefaction plant to liquefy hydrogen efficiently and affordably.

The Helder

H2 Service Ship

H2 SERVICE SHIP - Making port activities in Den Helder more sustainable by converting the service vessel Havendienst 3 to hydrogen-electric propulsion.


HyNoCa | hydrogen from biomass

HYNOCA - Construction of a factory in Alkmaar for the production of green hydrogen and biochar from organic waste streams.

North Sea

PosHYdon: the world's first green hydrogen pilot

POSHYDON - By producing hydrogen on a former drilling platform, the project partners want to learn, among other things, what the influence of salt is on the electrolyser.
